Copper is a highly valuable metal, and the demand is high among recyclers. Therefore, if you are interested in earning cash from scrap metal, consider looking for copper wires. These materials are abundant in demolition and construction sites because of the old electrical connections. Moreover, appliances also contain rolls of copper material. If you are diligent in the collection, the potential earnings will be significant. However, errors can cause you significant losses during the sale at the scrapyard. Here are essential guidelines for ensuring good results when dealing with copper scrap.

Consult on Material Prices

When planning for copper wire scrapping, focus on understanding the material and its value. Most new recyclers are frustrated because of poor understanding of the material grades, their prices and recycler policies. Therefore, consider meeting up with your chosen recycler and discussing the specifics of their operations before bringing in materials. For instance, inquire about the different types of copper wires and the unit price for each. This information will help you to maximise the total value. Also, ask about the measuring process and special considerations in determining value.

Begin With Manual Stripping

Copper wires are valuable in the recycling industry, but they demand a little more work than other materials. The most critical process is stripping the insulation around the wires. Do not sell your scrap wire just as they are to the recycler. The extra plastic will mean that highly valuable material will be considered basic insulated copper if you do not strip them. When starting, choose manual stripping. Acquire a handheld stripper or even a razor blade for the task. The process is quite easy, but wear gloves as a precaution.

Think About the Quantity

If you have found a potential source of copper wires and expect the scrap supply to be fairly consistent, consider investing more into your scrapping operation. For example, an agreement with an electrical contractor can allow for the collection of high volumes of copper wires. In this case, manual stripping would be inefficient and unnecessarily tiring. Therefore, look into the acquisition of a specialised piece of equipment for the work. A tabletop stripper is the most suitable because the cost of equipment purchase is relatively low. However, if you have certainty about your future in the scrapping industry, consider electric automated strippers. For the best results, consult your recycler for advice on the right equipment.

Finally, avoid the bad practice of burning the wires to remove the insulation. The plastic will stick to the copper, and the wire quality will decline. If you're interested in obtaining cash for scrap wires, consider these recommendations. 
